Good News | We Won The Bid for Ningxia-Hunan UHV DC Project

Date of release:2022-07-25 Information sources:FEDI author:Yao Yuting Word number:[ large in Small ] share

A few days ago, our company successfully won the bid for the feasibility study and survey and design project of the Ningxia-Hunan UHV DC Engineering Line of the State Grid Corporation of China. This project is another breakthrough after we won the bid for Hami-Chongqing UHV DC Project this year.

Ningxia-Hunan UHV DC Project can realize the development and delivery of advantageous energy resources in the northwest region, and can also meet the load demand of the receiving end, optimize the coal development plan, relieve the pressure of supply and demand and environmental protection in Hunan, which is of great significance to promoting the economic development of Ningxia. The line of feasibility study, survey and design project undertaken by us, starts from Enshi City, Hubei Province, and ends at the border between Hefeng County and Hubei and Hunan Province, passing through Hefeng County, Enshi City, Hubei Province, with a line length of 87km. After the project is completed, it will ensure the medium and long-term power supply in central China and Hunan, realize the development and delivery of Ningxia's advantageous energy resources, and help the country to achieve the "dual carbon" goal.

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