The 300MW PV Power Generation Project of Xinjiang Shihezi PV Base of Our Company Started Construction

Date of release:2022-07-25 Information sources:FEDI author:Zhuang Xiaoqiang and Wang Pinchang Word number:[ large in Small ] share

A few days ago, Powerchina 300MW PV Power Generation Project of northern Xinjiang Shihezi PV Base, invested and constructed by our company, held a groundbreaking ceremony in Xinjiang, marking the landing of another milestone project in our company's new energy investment business field. Zhou Yuan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of our company, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Yao Xiaofang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of our company, presided over the event. Ouyang Wei, Deputy Commander of Xinjiang Eighth Division and Deputy Mayor of Shihezi City, announced the start of the project.

Zhou Yuan said in his speech that our company had always anchored the "dual carbon" goal and worked with all parties to jointly promote the high-quality development of new energy. During the construction of the project, we will give full play to our technical and management advantages. Under the supervision and guidance of relevant departments, we would ensure the smooth completion of the project with first-class construction quality and efficiency, and strive to build a demonstration project. We would also continue to carry out investment and construction of major projects in the field of new energy, making new and greater contributions to green and low-carbon development.

This project is the first batch of large base photovoltaic projects in the country. It is planned to build a solar photovoltaic power generation system with an installed capacity of 300MW on the AC side, and simultaneously build a 45MW/90MWh energy storage equipment and corresponding supporting Internet facilities, and build a new 220kV photovoltaic booster collection station. After the photovoltaic power generation system and the energy storage equipment are collectively boosted, they are connected to the power grid with a 220kV line.

After being put into operation, the project could provide about 650 million kWh of green electricity every year, save 198,800 tons of standard coal, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 569,300 tons. It could effectively promote local energy conservation and emission reduction, and provide stronger support and strength for local economic construction.

Zhao Yuanyuan, head of the 142 group, Zhang Jinyu, the Chief Accountant of our company, and the heads of our company’s power generation division and northern division attended the ceremony.

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