Our company held the 2021 general contracting work conference

Date of release:2022-03-21 Information sources:FEDI author:Su Jinde Word number:[ large in Small ] share

A few days ago, our company held the 2021 annual general contracting work meeting. Zhou Yuan, secretary of our company's party committee and chairman, Yao Xiaofang, deputy secretary of the party committee and general manager, and other members of our leadership team and heads of various departments attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the Engineering Management Department made a report on the overall performance of our general contracting business in 2021, while the performance division and related functional management departments made special reports. The reports shared and communicated from the perspective of experience summary and problem analysis, and objectively and truly reflected the current status of our general contracting business performance.

Based on the current general contracting performance and internal and external situations, our leaders made comments on the report, and provided guidance and work arrangements for the performance of the general contracting business in 2022.

Zhou Yuan emphasized that all the departments should adhere to our company’s main line of high-quality development, focus on the main contradictions existing in our general contracting business performance, gradually strengthen the improvement of all aspects of general contracting project management, ensure the implementation of high-quality development, and help our general contracting business to a new level.

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