Good Luck of Beginning | Our Leaders Walked into Various Departments to Send New Year Blessings

Date of release:2022-02-15 Information sources:FEDI author:Huang Wankun Word number:[ large in Small ] share

Xiangniu left the year to open a beautiful future, and Ruihu welcomed the spring to start a new journey. On the day of the start of work, Zhou Yuan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of our company, Yao Xiaofang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of our company, and members of our leadership team walked into each department, to send New Year's blessings and cordially express their condolences to the workers who were still on duty during the Spring Festival holiday. Through the video connection, our leaders expressed their gratitude to the employees who were fighting on the front line of the project at the moment, and especially instructed the teams at home and abroad to always do a good job in the "two-handed" work of local epidemic prevention and production and operation. In the new year, we would keep upright, innovate and create great achievements, and work together to press the "acceleration button" for the high-quality development of our company. The scene's blessings echoed in our ears, and every sentence entrusted to warm our heart.



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