Tribute to the International Business Strugglers Stationed Overseas

Date of release:2021-06-07 Information sources:FEDI author:Lin Dongxia Word number:[ large in Small ] share

The Covid-19 epidemic was still raging, but it was not able to prevent our international team from overcoming difficulties on multiple fronts overseas. They silently stayed at their posts and celebrated a different kind of Labor Day.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of bidding and pre-development work for a number of projects in Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Vietnam, the International Division leadership team Li Xincheng, Chen Yuanqiang, Wang Yi, Huang Sheng and Fang Jian set an example and worked with department employees Liao Baowen and Chen Yu. Together, they conducted in-depth interpretation and analysis of a large number of background materials, related party requirements and other foreign language materials for the project, and constantly combed and formed bidding strategies, response plans, etc., striving for new gains in international business.

In Bangladesh, as the project manager of our first overseas EPC project, Pei Feng felt the responsibility and significance. In his view, doing the daily trivial work was the best embodiment of the spirit of struggle. The multiple pressures of continuous high temperature, rainy season, the raging Covid-19 epidemic, and the government's continuous closure of the city for nearly a month, had a huge impact on the Bangladesh project site civil construction and equipment cargo port clearance and transshipment. Pei Feng stuck to it all the time, coordinated the forces of all parties, rushed to the project site in the morning, while communicated with the owner about equipment and construction matters in the afternoon, so as to achieve both safe production and epidemic prevention.

In Vietnam, Wu Xiangsheng and Tang Zhengmu worked hard to promote the early signing of the project. They went to the owner's site during the day, collected data from various parties at night, and analyzed the needs in depth, only to conduct more efficient communication with the owner each time.

In this enthusiastic May, let us pay tribute to the strugglers and wish them all the best and peace.

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