100MW Photovoltaic Power Plant of Ningxia EPC Project Was Successfully Connected to the Grid with Full Capacity

Date of release:2021-05-10 Information sources:FEDI author:Wang Zhaoqing Word number:[ large in Small ] share

On March 31, 100MW photovoltaic power plant of Ningxia Lingwu Hanjiagou project undertaken by our company was successfully connected to the grid and entered the stage of commissioning. After the Yanchi Wanglejing photovoltaic power plant was connected to the grid on March 27, this project completed the grid-connected power generation target determined in the contract as scheduled. It made a good start for the development of our company's photovoltaic project in northwest region and established a good reputation.

Under the strong support and guidance of our company's leaders at all levels, the project management team led by project manager Han Chunlei had successively overcome difficulties such as photovoltaic module prices rising, tight supply, the epidemic rebounding, the Spring Festival holiday, and power protection restrictions during the two sessions. Lin Zhongming, deputy general manager of the Energy Engineering Branch, was on site in early March and strengthened communication and coordination with all parties. During the peak period, as many as 820 construction personnel were put in, and construction machinery was spread all over the site and lines. At the critical moment, Zhang Jinyu, member of the company’s party committee and chief accountant, together with Zhou Jian, assistant to the general manager and director of the engineering management department, and Zhang Tianmin, general manager of the Northern Branch, visited the project site, personally participated in the coordination of all parties involved in the project grid connection, and gave the project management team important help. The successful grid connection of this project showed that our company had given full play to the enterprise spirit of "enterprising struggle and collaboration" for the realization of the national "3060" double carbon goal.

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