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    China's turbine enterprise idea is the enterprise in the process of continuous operation and long development, inherit tradition enterprise, adapt the time request, the entrepreneurs actively advocating the staff consciously practice, thus forming the on behalf of the Chinese turbine belief, stimulate the enterprise vitality, promote enterprise production and operation of team spirit and behavior standards, it is ideal, philosophy and belief in turbine in China, is to guide and influence the soul of China in turbine enterprise strategy to pursue.
    Corporate vision                    Build a world-class enterprise, create an international famous brand    

    We are committed to building a world-leading enterprise and building brand with global influence
    and outstanding value. To this end, we insist on the global operations, quality and operation and
    and outstanding value. To this end, we insist on the global operations, quality and operation and

    Corporate mission                    We will build clean energy, create a green environment and serve smart cities    

    Energy and electricity, water resources and the environment and infrastructure, three core main industries, to clean energy, environmental protection, infrastructure and urban constructionart and convenient to achieve the goal, actively for the society to assume the sustainable develop

    Core values                    Responsibility, innovation, integrity, win-win    

    Responsibility is the basis of business。Responsibility is the basis of business。for enterprises and employees Innovation is the path to development。
    Innovation is the path to development。Innovation is the path to development。,

    Development philosophy                    Innovation, coordination, green, openness, sharing    

    To learn more about the fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC central committee“innovate, coordinated, green, open and Shared”Five development concepts, and from concept, responsibility, ability and To learn more about the fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC central committee“innovate, coordinated, green, open and Shared”Five development concepts, and from concept, responsibility, ability and

    Enterprise spirit                    Self-improvement, courage to surpass    

    “A good man, a man of great strength”。。China's electric construction insists on keeping up with The Times, pioneering and innovating, with a strong sense of dedication and sense of responsibility, inheriting and developing

    Enterprise spirit                    Self-improvement, courage to surpass    

    Honesty: it is the moral requirement of enterprises to deal with internal and external relations。China's electricity construction to the state, to the society, to the customers, to employees to keep their promises,Words and deeds are the same.
    Innovation and innovation: it is the power source of enterprise scientific development.China's electric power construction endeavor to transform the development mode, continuously innovate

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