About Us
  • Company Profile
  • Management Team
  • Organization
  • Enterprise qualification
  • Talent team
  • Corporate Culture
  • Management Team
        Zhou Yuan     president     Deputy party secretary  
        Yao XiaoFang     Subdecanal     Secretary of the party committee  
        Xie JianHua     Subdecanal     Member of the party committee  
        Chen YunMing     Deputy party secretary     Discipline Inspection Commission  
        Chen GuoHua     Subdecanal     Member of the party committee  
        Zhuo ZhengWei     Subdecanal    

    Member of the partycommittee

        Zheng RuiZhong     The chief engineer    

    Member of theparty committee

        Huang WenYong     Subdecanal     Member of the party committee  
        Luo JingSheng     Subdecanal    

    Member of the party committee


    zhangjinyu     Chief Financial Officer    


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